The Best Router Bits To Get Started Carving

Just like anything else, when it comes to carving signs having the right tools can make all the difference. One of the key tools you'll need is a set of high-quality router bits. But with so many options on the market, how do you know which ones are the best for carving signs?

What are the best router bits for carving signs?

I tell everyone that to get started you need 3 router bits, and those will cover about 75% of all your carving. 

The profile bit: This is the most versatile bit out there! You'll use the profile on almost every single sign you carve. Actually, I can't think of one sign I've made that I haven't used it. This bit will be the one you use for getting your initial outline on most of your artwork, and also to do outset letters. (Outset is where you carve around your lettering and they stand out) 

The 60 degree bit: This bit is mainly used to carve inset lettering of sizes up to 4". (Inset is where you carve the lettering into the board and they'll be sprayed with the primer) Also, you can do your background in small areas with this bit.

The 90 degree bit: This is the bit that we use for most of our background carving. Unless you're making a very large sign. Then we use a larger 90 degree bit. Also, you can use this one for large inset lettering above 4".

Now there are several other bits we use for various other jobs, and I'll do a future blog on those but these three bits will get you started.

Don't get discouraged

Carving can be a bit intimidating, but don't worry! The learning curve is surprisingly small. You need three things to make a beautiful sign: The right bits, one of our baseplates that are especially designed for carving, and a decent piece of wood. Once you have those, you'll be making amazing work in no time! 

We're here to help, so you can watch our YouTube channel with over 2500 videos and also shoot us an email with any questions you have!

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